Happy new year!
What's your photography why?
We made it! Its 2021! I don't know about you but my 2021 isn't going the way I had imagined. We are again in lock down here in the UK, with the new vaccine being the white knight in shining armour, waving at us from the distant horizon. I am trying to stay positive but so far after having major PC issues where I thought I had lost just about everything (thankfully not the case) and currently suffering a kidney infection, my patience is wearing incredibly thin for 2021 already.
The shining light for me is always my photography, its like a beacon of hope that enables me to see and capture the beauty that is always there, the beauty that we usually either take for granted or just don't notice in our busy day to day lives. Photography forces me to slow down and take a breath, it is my place of peace and solace in this every changing world we find ourselves in.
I chose this months theme {details} as it is a theme which forces us to do just that - take in the details, slow down and really look at what is in front of us, whether that subject is in nature, or family, or in ourselves looking back.
I chose to photograph the humble fern this month , something ordinary that you probably pass frequently in you outdoor walks. But look how wonderful these 'details' are up close using my trusty Lensbaby Velvet 56, this lens never fails to pull me out of any slump I may be in!
I really hope you enjoy this theme as it's one of my favourites!
Until next time
Lynne x
“Quit trying to find beautiful objects to photograph. Find the ordinary objects so you can transform it by photographing it.”
~ Morley Baer

I am part of a group of photographers, Share Six, who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please click HERE for the extremely talented Ceri Herd's interpretation of this months theme. Then, follow around the blog circle for a whole lot more talent and inspiration!
Join us for this month’s theme by posting your images to our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging: #sharesix, or #sharesix_details