
Welcome to the May installment of our share six blog, this month the theme is my choice - simplicity.

I felt like choosing quite a broad theme to coincide with all that is happening in the world right now, the UK is still on lock down, so getting out to shoot is quite difficult. I took these images in my garden, my apple tree is starting to bloom and I absolutely adore it, this time of year is such a favourite of mine and is a much needed reminder among all this chaos, that there is still such beauty to be found.

I hope you are all staying safe and I hope we can all return to some kind of normality (whatever that will be) very soon. I have added a quote below that really encapsulates everything I am feeling right now...

'Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated.' ~ Confucius

This time has really opened my eyes to my life before, hectic, full, anxious, feeling I had no time for myself - all things I aim to change now the pace has changed considerably.

I hope you take a moment to see yourself and take some time to reflect on your life before and the possibility of what is still to come.

Until next time!

Lynne x

I am part of a group of photographers, Share Six, who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please click HERE for the extremely talented Janet Douglas' interpretation of this months theme. Then, follow around the blog circle for a whole lot more talent and inspiration!


Join us for this month’s theme by posting your images to our Facebook page at Share Six  and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging:  #sharesix, or #sharesix_simplicity